Strategic Priority 6
Promote and coordinate prevention research that addresses health disparities.
The objectives for the Address Health Disparities strategic priority focus on mobilizing collaborative NIH-wide efforts to enhance the NIH portfolio on prevention research and training to address health disparities. These activities will include developing and coordinating NIH-wide funding opportunities; providing consultation and input to NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) leading their own prevention and health disparities initiatives and programs; and reviewing the state of the field regarding progress, gaps, and opportunities in research efforts to reduce health disparities and achieve health equity.
- Health Disparities 6.1: Coordinate NIH-wide funding opportunities and other research initiatives to develop and test new interventions and new strategies to disseminate existing interventions that address risk and protective factors for illness, injury, or leading causes of death in populations experiencing health disparities.
- Health Disparities 6.2: Assess the NIH prevention research portfolio related to health disparities to identify research, infrastructure, and training gaps and develop strategies to address those gaps.
- Health Disparities 6.3: Serve as a resource on health disparities-related prevention research to NIH ICOs, federal partners, and the extramural research community.