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Director's Messages

Strategic Priority VI Update

The Office of Disease Prevention's (ODP) Strategic Priority VI seeks to increase the visibility of prevention research at the NIH and across the country. The ODP continues to develop new webpages that provide helpful resources for prevention researchers. Additionally, Strategic Priority VI continues to focus on promoting the efforts of Strategic Priorities I–V via the ODP website and other digital and traditional communication tools. These efforts are carried out by developing and disseminating resources identified throughout the ODP Strategic Plan.

To assist prevention researchers in designing and conducting their studies, the ODP developed a web portal, Resources for Researchers. This portal combines prevention-related information across various NIH websites with newly created tools and resources in one online repository tailored to the needs of the prevention research community. The ODP has presented posters on the Resources for Researchers web portal at the Society for Prevention Research 2016 Annual Meeting and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2016 Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media. The ODP will continue to promote this resource in the upcoming year at the NIH and at federal and non-federal partner meetings.

Additionally, the ODP Director's presentations, given at key meetings and seminars, are now available on the ODP website. A special interest news section has also been added to the ODP website to highlight recent research articles of interest to the prevention community.

The ODP has recently announced its inaugural Early-Stage Investigator Lecture which recognizes early-career prevention scientists who have already made substantial, outstanding research contributions to their respective fields and are poised to become future leaders in prevention research. This award will be given annually and will provide the awardee with the opportunity to give a presentation to the NIH community as well as meet with NIH program officers and scientists.

Mark Schiffman, M.D., M.P.H., Senior Investigator at the National Cancer Institute in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Clinical Genetics Branch, has been awarded the 2017 Robert S. Gordon, Jr. Lecture Award. Dr. Schiffman will present, "The Changing Epidemiology of HPV and Cervical Cancer: From Etiology, to Validation of Prevention Methods, to Dissemination" on May 3, 2017 at the NIH main campus.

The ODP also uses social media to disseminate prevention-related information, including news about innovative prevention research sponsored by the NIH and its federal partners. For more information about the ODP, follow the office on Twitter @NIHprevents. You can also join the ODP listserv to receive news and announcements about upcoming program, events, and pertinent prevention research information.

The ODP will continue to enhance prevention research by disseminating NIH prevention research and resources, strengthening partnerships to improve interactive communication, and gathering input and feedback from stakeholders—including researchers, program and policy stakeholders, and the general public—to help fulfill the ODP's mission.

David M. Murray, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Prevention
Director of the Office of Disease Prevention

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