Associate Professor of Health, Behavior & Society
The University of Kentucky College of Public Health
Associate Director, Community Outreach and Engagement
The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center
Presentation Abstract
Title: Implementation Strategies To Support Patient-Provider Relationships for Cancer Control in Rural Settings
Rural communities across the United States experience an undue burden of cancer, particularly related to malignancies that are preventable and screenable such as lung, colorectal, and cervical cancer. The elevated burden of cancer in rural communities is associated with a complex interplay of risk factors prevalent across multiple levels of influence. Specifically, rural residents may experience disparities related to socioeconomic and educational achievements, adherence to healthy behaviors, knowledge and beliefs about cancer, public health policy coverage, geographic isolation, and access to and utilization of primary care services. Increased access to and implementation of preventive clinical services and evidence-based cancer control interventions is needed to address cancer-related inequities in rural communities. This presentation will review evidence-based strategies and approaches that support the integration of cancer preventive services and effective patient-provider relationships in rural settings. Cancer control research and practice conducted in rural, Appalachian Kentucky will be presented as an applied example. Specific rural-related implementation science considerations will also be discussed: context, culture, and historical influences; participatory research; organizational resources and capacity; community-clinical linkages; measurement and study design; adaptation of evidence-based approaches; and sustainability, among other considerations.
About Dr. Vanderpool
Robin C. Vanderpool is Associate Professor in the Department of Health, Behavior & Society at the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Public Health and Associate Director for Community Outreach and Engagement at the National Cancer Institute-designated UK Markey Cancer Center.
Dr. Vanderpool’s major CDC and NCI-funded research projects focus on reducing the cancer burden among rural and Appalachian populations through increased HPV vaccination; improved breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening adherence; and improved cancer survivorship experiences. Dr. Vanderpool has a B.S. from Centre College, an M.P.H. from Western Kentucky University, and a Dr.P.H. from the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Vanderpool disclosed the following conflicts of interest. She has royalties from Wiley Publishing and Rural Populations Health (2012); Research Funding from CDC cooperative agreement for the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network award to UK College of Public Health (Vanderpool, PI); NCI administrative supplements awarded to the UK Markey Cancer Center (Evers, PI); Contract from ICF Macro for the LAUNCH project awarded to UK Markey Cancer Center (Vanderpool, PI); NCI cooperative agreement for the ACCSIS colorectal cancer Moonshot project at UK; Sponsored travel from NCI, ACS, NACCD, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, University of South Carolina, and ASCO; and Honorariums for grant reviews from Meharry Medical College, the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas, RWJF, and UK CCTS and ASCO.