2022 Co-Funded Research Projects

ODP provided limited co-funding to NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices, and other agencies in 2022 for extramural prevention grants, NIH-sponsored meetings and workshops, and federal initiatives and projects.

NIH-Funded Grants

OrganizationProject TitleGrant NumberPrincipal Investigator and Institution
NCATSAnalytics & Machine-learning for Maternal-health Interventions (AMMI): A Cross-CTSA Collaboration1 U01 TR003629-01A1Javed Mostafa, North Carolina University at Chapel Hill
NCATSUniversity of Buffalo Clinical and Translational Science Institute - Supplement Schulyer3 UL1 TR001412-07S2Timothy Murphy, State University of New York at Buffalo
NCCIHA Pragmatic Trial of Parent-focused Prevention in Pediatric Primary Care: Implementation and Adolescent Health Outcomes in Three Health Systems5 UH3 AT009838-05Margaret Kuklinski, University of Washington
NCCIHEmotional Well-Being and Economic Burden Research Network5 U24 AT011310-02Maria Pisu, University of Alabama at Birmingham 
NCCIHMindfulness-Based Intervention for Depression and Insulin Resistance in Adolescents5 R01 AT011008-03Lauren Shomaker, Colorado State University
NCCIHNetwork to Advance the Study of Mechanisms Underlying Mind-Body Interventions and Measurement of Emotional Wellbeing5 U24 AT011281-02Crystal Park, University of Connecticut
NCCIHNIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory-Coordinating Center (U24)2 U24 AT009676-06Adrian Hernandez, Duke University
NCCIHThe plasticity of well-being: A research network to define, measure and promote human flourishing5 U24 AT011289-02Richard Davidson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
NCIAdvancing Equitable Risk-based Breast Cancer Screening and Surveillance in Community Practice2 P01 CA154292-11Diana Miglioretti, University of California at Davis
NCIImproving Breast Cancer Risk Prediction for African American Women: Consideration of Estrogen Receptor Subtype-Specific Risk Factors5 R01 CA228357-04Julie Palmer, Boston University
NCIIncreasing Physical Activity in Rural Pennsylvanians: The PA Moves Trial1 R01 CA268017-01Kathryn Schmitz, Pennsylvania State University
NCIPromoting Smoke-Free Homes in Rural American Indian Households1 R01 CA268024-01Michelle Kegler, Emory University
NCIRural Engagement in TelemedTeam for Options in Obesity Treatment Solutions (RE-TOOL)1 R01 CA268034-01Christie Befort, University of Kansas Medical Center
NHLBIEarly Intervention to Promote Cardiovascular Health of Mothers and Children (ENRICH) Multisite Resource and Coordinating Center1 U24 HL163114-01Cynthia Minkovitz, Johns Hopkins University
NHLBINIH Summer Institute: Innovative Approaches to Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trials5 R25 HL149668-03Ken Freedland, Washington University
NHLBIRURAL: Risk Underlying Rural Areas Longitudinal Cohort Study3 U01 HL146382-02S3Vasan Ramachandran, Boston University Medical Center
NHLBISociety of Behavioral Medicine 2022 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions1 R13 HL163945-01David Conroy, Society of Behavioral Medicine
NHLBIStrengthening Causal Inference in Behavioral Obesity Research5 R25 HL124208-08David Allison, Indiana University Bloomington
NHLBIU.S. Ten Day Seminar on the Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke1 R13 HL165775-01Cheryl Ann Marie Anderson, University of California, San Diego
NIAA Planning Project to Pilot Test and Optimize Dietary Approaches to Slow Aging and Design a Long-Term Trial5 U01 AG073204-02Corby Martin, LSU Pennington Biomedical Research Center
NIABenefits and Harms of Long-term Osteoporosis Pharmacotherapy: Impact of Treatment Length, Type, Switching, and Holidays1 R01 AG078759-01Kaleen Hayes, Brown University
NIACalculator for Length of Use of Bisphosphonates (CLUB)1 R01 AG079118-01Laura Carbone, Augusta University
NIAComparative Effectiveness and Safety of Osteoporosis Drug Therapies1 R01 AG079113-01Juan Brito Campana, Mayo Clinic Rochester
NIAHealth Aging & Later-Life Outcomes Planning (HALLO-P)5 U01 AG073240-02Stephen Kritchevsky, Wake Forest University
NIAMulticomponent intervention to improve delirium and sleep-wake rhythms in older ICU patients3 K76 AG059936-05S1Biren Kamdar, University of California, San Diego
NIANational Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health): Wave VI Core Project5 U01 AG071448-02Bob Hummer and Allison Aiello, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
NIAAAJUNTOS (TOGETHER): Development of a Family-Based Latino Youth Use Preventive Intervention5 K01 AA028057-03Elma Lorenzo-Blanco, University of Texas at Austin
NIAAASociety for Prevention Research Annual Meetings, 2022-20262 R13 AA025540-07Guillermo Prado, Society for Prevention Research
NIAMSPooling International Cohort Studies of Long-Term Bisphosphonate Use and Atypical Femur Fractures1 R01 AR082562-01Doug Bauer, California University, San Francisco
NIBIBCenter for Point-of-Care Technologies Research for Sexually Transmitted Diseases5 U54 EB007958-15Yukari Manabe, Johns Hopkins University
NICHDA Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Telephone-Based Developmental Care Coordination System5 R01 HD092406-04Paul Chung, Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine
NICHDFamily Well-Being Research Network (FAM-NET): Measuring Family Well-Being across the Lifespan5 U24 HD107562-02Lisa Prosser, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
NICHDModular Convertible Child Safety Seat to Improve Usage2 R44 HD096963-02A1Nick Rydberg, Minnesota Health Solutions Corporation
NIDAProject SMART: Social Media Anti-vaping Messages to Reduce ENDS Use Among Sexual and Gender Minority Teens3 R01 DA054236-02S1Andy Tan, University of Pennsylvania
NIDATraining Institutes for Mobile Health (mHealth) Methodologies5 R25 DA038167-08Vivek Shetty, University of California, Los Angeles
NIDDKMentored Education for Dissemination and Implementation Science (MEDIS) Program5 R25 DK123008-02Debra Haire-Joshu and Ross Brownson, Washington University
NIDDKNorth Carolina Consortium for Diversity Career Development in Nutrition, Obesity, and Diabetes Research1 U24 DK132715-01Elizabeth Mayer-Davis, North Carolina University at Chapel Hill
NIDDKPredicting Weight Regain Following Weight Loss Using Physiological Measures of Appetite and Energy Expenditure4 UH3 DK128298-02Michael Lowe, Drexel University
NIDDKPredictors of Recidivism to Obesity in Weight-Reduced Individuals4 UH3 DK128302-02Rudolph Leibel, Columbia University
NIDDKUCLA LIFT-UP (Leveraging Institutional support For Talented, Underrepresented Physicians and/or Scientists)1 U24 DK132746-01Obidiugwu Kenrik Duru, University of California Los Angeles
NIMHA multi-level approach to improve HIV prevention and care for transgender women of color1 R01 MH129285-01A1Jeanne Sevelius, University of California, San Francisco
NIMHA Multimodal Parent-focused Intervention for Vulnerable Populations in the Bronx5 R01 MH126821-02Vilma Gabbay, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
NIMHCommunity Partnered Approach to Implement Depression Screening in Black Churches5 R01 MH121590-02Sidney Hankerson, Columbia University
NIMHeSTEP: An integrated mHealth intervention to engage high-risk individuals along the full PrEP care continuum1 R34 MH129279-01A1Keith Horvath, San Diego State University
NIMHPersonalized Prevention for Couples5 R01 MH126880-02Jason Mitchell, Florida International University
NIMHScaling a Parenting EBI for Latinx Youth Mental Health in Primary Care5 R01 MH124718-02Guillermo Prado, University of Miami
NIMHDPreventing Youth Violence Through Building Equitable Communities: An Evaluation of a Multisystemic Intervention1 R01 MD017477-01Krista Mehari, University of South Alabama
NIMHDTRUE HAVEN: TRUsted rEsidents and Housing Assistance to decrease Violence Exposure in New Haven1 R01 MD017526-01Brita Roy, Yale University
NIMHDVALE+TU SALUD: Corner-Based Randomized Trial to Test a Latino Day Laborer Program Adapted to Prevent COVID-195 R01 MD016328-02Maria Fernandez-Esquer, University of Texas-Houston
NINRBREATHE: An efficacy-implementation trial of a brief shared decision-making intervention among Black adults with uncontrolled Asthma in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)5 R01 NR019275-02Maureen George, Columbia University
NINRHeart of the Family: A Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Risk Reduction Intervention in High-Risk Rural Families5 R01 NR019456-03Gia Mudd, University of Kentucky
NINRIntensifying Community Referrals for Health: The SINCERE Intervention to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities5 R01 NR019944-02Andrea Wallace, University of Utah
NINRReducing Particulate Matter-Associated Cardiovascular Health Effects for Seniors5 R01 NR014484-08Masako Morishita, Michigan State University
NINRWar of Attrition: Predicting Dropout from Pediatric Weight Management5 R01 NR017639-04Joseph Arnold Skelton, Wake Forest University

NIH-Sponsored Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences

OrganizationProject TitleContactEmail
FICGlobal Food Insecurity Webinar SeriesSusan Vorkoper[email protected]
NCI2nd Biennial Translational Advances in Cancer Prevention Agent Development (TACPAD)Mark Miller[email protected]
NCI15th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation Research in HealthGila Neta[email protected]
NHLBIAdvancing Interventions to Reduce Obesity Disparities in Underrepresented Adult Populations: State of the Science, Knowledge Gaps, and Research OpportunitiesLaurie Donze[email protected]
NHLBIThe Science of Precision Prevention: Research Opportunities and Clinical Applications to Reduce Disparities in Cardiovascular HealthCharlotte Pratt[email protected]

Federal Initiatives and Projects

OrganizationProject TitleContactEmail
CDCCommunity Guide Systematic Reviews Related to Health Disparities and Mental HealthHolly Wethington[email protected]
NCINCCOR Coordinating CenterDavid Berrigan[email protected]
NCIScientific and Technical Services for the Automated Self-Administered 24-hour (ASA24) Dietary Assessment SystemChristie Kaefer[email protected]
NIEHSWorkplace Opioids Prevention and Mitigation Training During the COVID-19 CrisisChip Hughes[email protected]
ODPHPHealthy People 2030: Assessing the Well-Being of the NationEmmeline Ochiai[email protected]
ODPHPUsing Healthy People 2030 to Advance Health Equity: Data Visualization and Disparities MeasurementEmmeline Ochiai[email protected]
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