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Methods: Mind the Gap

Webinar Series

The Importance of Epidemiology in Screening and Diagnosis of Diabetes

May 20, 2020
Portrait of Elizabeth Selvin
Elizabeth Selvin, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

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About the Webinar

The lecture discusses the importance of epidemiologic evidence in informing strategies and cut points for screening and diagnosis of diabetes. A focus is on the evidence supporting the importance of the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test and current controversies regarding screening and diagnosis of prediabetes.

About Elizabeth Selvin

Dr. Elizabeth Selvin is a Professor of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and holds a joint appointment in the School of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine. She is the author or co-author of over 350 papers in the peer-reviewed literature including landmark papers in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, Diabetes, Circulation, and other major medical journals. Dr. Selvin has devoted her career to leading translational research projects designed to evaluate and improve screening, diagnosis, and patient care for people with diabetes. Her work has directly influenced clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis and management of diabetes. In 2013, she was awarded the Harry Keen Memorial Award by the International Diabetes Epidemiology Group of the International Diabetes Federation for her contributions to the field. She is the 2020 winner of the Kelly M. West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology from the American Diabetes Association. Since the start of her academic career, Dr. Selvin has been continually funded as a principal investigator on grants from the National Institutes of Health. She has mentored or co-mentored over 40 students and fellows, many of whom are now leaders in the field.

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